For the last year we have been working on homeschooling with D. We aren't always consistent and often times it just involves him reading to me or playing a number game or something simple like that. Even though we haven't devoted a ton of our day to homeschooling, he is learning quite quickly. It makes me think I can really do this homeschooling thing. But then there is D's opinions.
We live in Michigan, and because of the late kindergarten cutoff date of Dec 1st D could start kindergarten this coming year at the age of 4. He won't be because we are moving, but all his friends are. All his friends are in preschool and love it and will soon start kindergarten. D has decided that he want to go to school for kindergarten. It makes me a bit unsure of my decisions.
I know this choice isn't for a 4 year old to make, but I know D's stubbornness (He's like his mom) and I don't want school time to become a fight everyday. Luckily I still have another year to decide.
I know I feel the same way as you on this, because I have commented about it on your posts in the past :). But I have decided to send Lincoln to Kindergarden, I feel although I would like to keep him home and be his main influence, and teacher, that he would benefit greatly from having a teacher to listen too that is not me to learn respect,etc and peers to build relationships with. I have only changed my mind from him joining primary this year. He has a Jan birthday so he is already 4 but he missed the cut off for primary last year so these have been his first few months. He LOVES it an is an excellent student and listener and participates in the lessons. Something i didn't know about him because when we have "school" he can kind of be rebellious if he isn't in the mood, although he likes learning he would rather play hide and seek some days or get in his computer time on I don't know why this comment is so long or even why I am telling you what I am doing, lol, but I know that it's the right choice for Lincoln. Just like you are D's mom and will make the right choice for him. Good Luck! Love reading your blog!